Tag Archives: reptiles

Rescuing Reptiles (Yes, Really.)

Ok…no lie, while I love all animals, reptiles kind of freak me out.  Maybe not all reptiles – I do love turtles and iguanas.  I think my issue is with snakes.  But, they are God’s creatures and are mistreated and abandoned just like dogs and cats.  While they may not be furry, they still need saving and animal rescuers owe it to the reptile community to give these little scaly friends a chance!

Research indicates that reptiles are very intelligent beings, capable of being domesticated.  They are capable of recognizing humans’ voices and scents, similar to domesticated mammals.  And with proper care, their lifespans can be equal to or even longer than the average pet.

Unfortunately, many people who purchase reptiles (they tend to be significantly cheaper than typical mammal pets) end up leaving them behind or discarding them completely.  This leads to lost, little reptiles, in need of loving homes.

Here are some reptile rescues, just in case you are feeling cold blooded and looking for a new, non-furry friend!




Forgottenfriend has some sweet little turtles up for adoption.  Take a look!


So, if you’re looking for a “different” type of rescue, reptiles may be the perfect fit for you!

Enjoy your Tuesday and come back tomorrow for my interview with Mid Atlantic Italian Greyhound Rescue!

Pittie Kisses,
